Snack Attack

Let’s face it; college can be rough sometimes. Classes, exams, homework, internships, work, oh my! How do you stay fueled when it’s go-go-go?…


Snacking has often gotten a bad rap. Let me set the record straight. It’s super important to eat when you’re hungry. Hunger is your body’s way of saying, “Wait, stop, I need fuel!”

Chances are good that you’ll need a little pick-me-up between those long hours between mealtimes.

This is when snacking becomes vital. If there are no snacks handy when hunger hits between classes, then it can be hard to concentrate.IMG_2840

Keeping easy snacks in your backpack for the day might mean the difference between a B or a C in a key class. Here are some quick and easy tips to keeping your body and brain fueled throughout the day:

     1. Prepare the night before.

We would all rather hit the snooze button for a few extra minutes than get up a little earlier and prepare food for the day. Get your food for the day squared away the night before. Then on your way out the door in the morning just grab-and-go!

2. Stick with something easy.

Try cutting up your favorite fruits or vegetables and putting them in a small container. Just having a few sliced cucumbers and carrots in a baggy is not only convenient to grab in the morning, but they are also easy to eat in class with little-to-no mess! Need ranch? Keep a few mini containers of ranch in the fridge to carry along.

3. Keep a stocked cupboard/fridge.

Keep foods with a slightly longer shelf life handy in case life throws you a curve ball. Some great examples are string cheeses, trail mixes, applesauce, granola bars and yogurts.

4. Set reminders to grab your snacks.

It’s easy to forget your food when you are running to class. Try making small reminders for yourself to make sure you grab your food. Set a phone reminder in the morning or put a sticky note on the front door.

KaylaKayla is a FitU Nutrition Mentor. She is studying nutrition management and dietetics and is from the small town of Willits, Ca. She enjoys many different hobbies including hiking and reading.

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