

What is FitU?

  • An 8-10 week program that includes 8 individual sessions with your personal nutrition and physical activity mentors
  • Nutrition mentoring sessions are based on a non-diet approach. Mentors guide clients towards developing a healthier relationship with food. Topics discussed are based on the clients’ needs and interests. Common topics clients bring up in sessions include:
    • Tuning into hunger and fullness cues to guide eating timing and amounts
    • Emotional eating
    • Food cravings
    • Tips for planning and preparing meals and snacks
    • Body image
    • Eating to fuel sport
    • Eating balanced meals in the dining halls and at restaurants
  • Exercise mentoring sessions focus on identifying strategies to overcome clients’ motivational barriers to regular physical activity. Mentors guide clients towards making small steps to increasing fitness and discovering enjoyable ways to be active. Common topics clients bring up in sessions include:
    • The many physical and psychological benefits of exercise
    • Ideas for ways to be active on and off campus
    • Strategies for fitting exercise into a busy schedule
    • Tips for remembering exercise plans and goals
    • Troubleshooting barriers to physical activity such as bad weather and time management
    • Finding ways to make exercise fun such as music and workout buddies

What FitU is Not:

FitU is not a diet program. You will not be given specific meal plans, menus or boring diet shakes, pills or potions. Instead, our mentors help you make slow gradual changes that you can stick with for life. We have no interest in tracking your weight or body composition. We’re more interested in helping you develop a healthy relationship with food and focus on improving your fitness and health.

FitU is not a personal training program. We’re happy to put you in touch with personal trainers at the WREC if you prefer that environment for working out. We won’t be instructing you in how many reps to do of certain exercises. Instead, we’re more interested in helping you make gradual changes over time to make fitness a part of your everyday life. We want to help you figure out which activities make you the happiest and work with you to overcome any barriers that are getting in your way of doing those things.